Filip Holub
Dec 14, 20181 min read
Problem after migration from compatibility level 100 to 120.
QUERYTRACEON 9481 - This hint is used with compatibility level 120 and above for forcing cardinality estimator version 70, which means from

Filip Holub
Jun 2, 20181 min read
How to grant "Execute" permission for User Defined Table Type?
My colleague asked me " How Can I grant Execute rights for my User Defined Table Type"? - There is not execute option as you can s

Filip Holub
May 13, 20181 min read
Daily use in Management Studio - #3 Query to find running queries via T-SQL
I use this script every day for identify all running, runnable and suspended queries on the SQL Server. The script shows you a couple of use

Filip Holub
Apr 4, 20181 min read
Dynamic SQL Merge Script for Generate Merge statement
One day I needed to compare the tables where the source tables were production database and the target tables were for reporting database.Th

Filip Holub
Jun 7, 20171 min read
Poweshell program for Backup databases from PROD to TEST environment in MS SQL2016
Hi guys, We have not seen you for ages!Today, I will write about backuping in powershell. I often have to deals with with development depatm

Filip Holub
Feb 28, 20171 min read
The Generate Script for sp_purge_jobhistory!
I have created a small script for generating sp_purge_jobhistory for my SQL jobs at work. The first part of script generate system store...

Filip Holub
Feb 26, 20171 min read
How to take Transaction Log Backups For All User Databases?
This scritp you can use if you need to take transaction log backup for all user databases of instance. Script below exclude system...

Filip Holub
Feb 22, 20171 min read
How to Enable or Disable All Jobs in SQL Server?
We display the result of the SELECT. Result looks like this: For change please use system stored procedure sp_update_job. For more details -